American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin

Arkansas Chapter

Arkansas Chapter

Founded 2008
Have grown from about 25 Members in the beginning years to about 350 members in 2024.


AAPI Arkansas 16th Anniversary Event, Saturday 19th October 2024.

President's Message

2024 Vision:

Healthy Physicians in a Healthy Community 2.0: For the Community and with the Community, on one planet.

In 2024, we extend our commitment to well-being beyond individuals and communities to embrace the planet itself.

   Focusing on mental health over 2023, we knew that addressing this complex issue would extend far beyond a year. We entered 2023 amidst the aftermath of COVID-19, grappling with its lingering effects. As a community of physicians, we keenly felt the wounds and scars it left behind. We worked tirelessly, often around the clock, while mourning the loss of friends and family both in India and here. We shared the same fears that gripped the world, yet we scaled limits on duty.

The recovery was not going to be easy.

But then, we are the American Association of Physicians of Indian origin! Who else can be more resilient or resourceful?

Look at us now!

2023 The foundational year when multiple ideas for this initiative were seeded, and I hope to see these seeds grow into healthy plants in 2024, the grand fifteen leading to a sweet sixteen!

So, how can I make this happen?
On my own- I can’t.
But together, ‘we’ can.

I call upon each one of you to join the efforts- each one, pick one actionable idea, and let us help make it real with our combined resources. With over 300 physicians in the state, we are quite a community! Nationally, AAPI is second only to the AMA in physician strength. We got us!

Here is what 2024 plans look like :

We are adding more well-being activities and focusing on the environment to our ongoing efforts. Yoga and meditation practices will receive more attention, as will nutrition and sustainable living. Our focus will be to become as close to zero waste as possible. We are creating task forces to help us better implement sustainable living (Rethink, refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose, recycle) and improve our community outreach. Do plan to come to all events with your own water bottle! Go grocery shopping with your own bag and muslin bags for the fresh vegetables so you can avoid single use plastic! Let’s show the world what we can do! Expect a newsletter /”how to info” sheet with more on this!. Sustainability is built is our culture – we need to reclaim our roots – and incorporate this way of living in our life, leaving something beautiful for the next generation.

Mental Health: A Priority That Endure

The year 2024 builds upon the momentum of our ongoing efforts to prioritize mental health. We recognize that physicians are the backbone of our healthcare system, and their/our well-being is paramount to providing the best care to our communities. In 2024, we continue to invest in comprehensive mental health programs to support physicians at every stage of their careers.

1. Awareness initiatives to continue: We will continue wellness conversations through our combined member and community events. We intend to intentionally mentor students at all levels, especially those interested in healthcare.

2. Stress-Reduction Initiatives: Stress is unfortunately now considered an inevitable part of the medical profession, but we are committed to minimizing its impact. Our stress-reduction initiatives, including mindfulness meditation and yoga programs, will get more attention, empowering physicians to manage their stress and maintain balance.

Those of you that prefer in person – please come to our inhouse yoga instructor at Lisa Academy campus – Mr Avinash Thombre

Those of you that prefer online- we will share curated resources like “Inner Engineering”. If any of you is ready to commit to this, please reach out to me directly. We have free gifts for those that are ready to commit to yogic health for themselves ( or any of your family member over the age of 18 years)!

We are adding fun stuff too- (drama and movie watching) – aligned with our vision of health initiatives for the community. I hope to see you all on Feb 3rd – first time ever movie screening – the writer and director is a physician of Indian origin and this movie brings to forefront an aspect of Indians not well known outside circles- of the extent to which we are invested in “daan”( profound ways of charity/sacrifice). Reference Danveer Karna, Maharishi Dadheech, Ibrahim ready to sacrifice his son, or an everyday Indian living Jesus’s way of life- the Indian subcontinent has donation/sacrifice built in. We want to remind that to the world that has likely not realized this aspect of ours ( we tend to be shy in some ways!) In the same vain- we had our first blood donation drive too. I thank you all already for such a great start to the new year!

3. Community Programs: Cultivating Wellness Together

Our community programs have blossomed, fostering a sense of unity and well-being among physicians and the public. We will continue to seek collaboration with local communities to forge partnerships, creating and sharing holistic wellness programs.

As we continue our journey toward fostering healthy physicians in a healthy environment, let us remember that our actions today pave our tomorrow. Together, we can inspire positive change, ensuring our healthcare system thrives, our communities flourish, and our planet endures for generations.

I cannot end this write-up without mentioning that I am honored and humbled to be the first woman president in 10 years and the second ever in our 15-year history. This adds a layer to my commitments and expectations. I stand before you an example of many years of efforts to get someone like me here.

I have a few promises to keep and many confidences to honor.

Let’s do this!

Important information:

This year we are furtheralso streamlining our processes.

Membership updates:

Please pay your membership dues for 2024 soonest! This year we are streamlining our processes and we need to have a certified list of ‘active‘ members by the end of February. The sooner you pay the sooner we can update that list. ( this is also a call to send in your donations! We can do so much more together the sooner you send in this support!)

If you are paying through PayPal , your email id may be different from what is registered with AAPI- so do make sure your name and purpose of the payment is clear and consistent with your registered name. If paying by cheques, please make sure that you write membership dues or donations as be the case.

Preferably, your email should be the personal one- best not to use the organizational email-ids. When you change organizations, the emails get blocked. Also some organizational webpages do not accept our emails- they go to spam.

Please update your membership by Feb28th for this year( pay the years dues). This list will be certified by the secretary in March. Only the members that are active as on March 31st will be eligible to nominate or vote for the governing body elections.

Please see this message also as a call for volunteers: join our efforts- each committee has space for volunteers- this is badly needed and helps us grow and stay relevant to current times.

Upcoming plans 2024


Movie screening get your tickets for


30th March: AAPI-AR women executives (AWE) meeting: leadership event
Trust and protecting assets: Arvest bank- March

Talk with Chelsea Wakefield: Thursday on Communication – March-April
Workshop with Chelsea Wakefield: Saturday for close to 40 couples – April

Strategy for wealth management- Simmons Bank- May

Multifamily investing with Ignite investment- June
AWE event June 22

New members welcome event

AWE event: Sept 14th
Cricket match – 14th or 21st September( Weather dependent)

Annual event- 19th October,2024- Save the date!

Talks under plans and coordination going on for – Mental health for teens and adolescents, Mental health for adults, Sustainable living newsletter, Soch ki Moch Dramady.

Every physician of Indian origin is encouraged , requested, implored to join hands!

Join at

Contact us at
Facebook :

Committees- looking for volunteers.
SLATE: Sustainable living AAPI-AR task force
Media Committee
Charity Committee
Scholarship Committee
Awards Committee
Events Committee

Stay Safe and Healthy!

Warm Regards,
Manisha Singh, MD
President AAPI Arkansas 2024