American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin

Arkansas Chapter

Arkansas Chapter

Founded 2008
Have grown from about 25 Members in the beginning years to about 350 members in 2024.

President's Message

Dear AAPI Arkansas Family,

A new year brings with it new opportunities as well as challenges. For an organization like ours, the challenge lies in evolving in new directions while staying true to our core values. The opportunities include embracing new leadership with innovative ideas to help us achieve our goals.

As we step into 2025, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on the remarkable journey of AAPI Arkansas over the past 16 years. What began in 2008-09 with just a few dozen members has now grown into a vibrant community of over 400 Indian-origin physicians. These members come from diverse regions of India and practice across various specialties in private practices, hospitals, and universities. What unites us is our shared love for our homeland, the communities where we practice, and our common goal of contributing to the greater good of the community where we live.

Over the past 16 years, the generosity of our members has been a driving force behind AAPI Arkansas’s success. Together, we have raised over $600,000, which has funded hundreds of scholarships for students in Arkansas, supported the Arkansas State Police, Little Rock Police and Fire Departments, and assisted numerous other charitable organizations. We deeply appreciate and thank our members for their continued support and encourage all of you to keep contributing to this noble cause.

Recently, some members have asked why we continue to request donations from individuals when we also raise funds from sponsors. I’d like to clarify this point to avoid any confusion.

Looking ahead, here is the Vision for year 2025:

Membership Goals:

  • Forge partnerships with all hospitals in the state.
  • Strengthen our collaboration with the Arkansas Medical Society.
  • Strengthen relationships with all medical schools in Arkansas by working on establishing medical student chapters in every medical school.

Scholarship Goals:

  • Increase the number of scholarships we offer
  • Establish scholarships for medical students in different medical school in Arkansas
  • Create scholarships in collaboration with the India Institute of Sciences (IISc), with the support of Dr. Sundar Swaminathan, Professor of Nephrology and Director of Research at IISc

EB 1 support core group

  • Create EB1 support group committee to support our members with EB1 needs,
    • Help our resident and fellows to help start building their resume for application. 
    • Provide networking opportunities for members to collaborate on projects and recommendation for letter of support for the application.
    • Specialty specific mentors to help with the process of application.

Educational Goals:

  • Organize Continuing Medical Education (CME) sessions, with a focus on DEA licensure
  • Increase participation in poster presentations
  • Introduce a “Thieves’ Market” case presentation for medical students, residents, and fellows
  • Host monthly educational talks on topics including:
    • Mental Health
    • Physical Health
    • Heart Health
    • Joint Health
    • Weight Management

Regional Chapters: we have four active reginal chapters in Batesville, Hot Springs, Northwest Arkansas and Northeast Arkansas, led by very talented and hardworking vice presidents from each region, will work with them to:

  • Hold at least one official event per year
  • Organize quarterly medical talks
  • Collaborate with local schools to set up scholarships
  • Explore opportunities to partner with local EMS services

Community Events:

  • Bhag Desi Bhag
  • Yoga with Avinash
  • Naveen Kumar Cricket Tournament
  • Volleyball Tournament
  • Chess Tournament
  • Pickleball Tournament
  • Financial Planning for physicians

Thank you once again for your unwavering support. Together, we will continue to grow, thrive, and give back to our communities in the years to come.

Warm regards,
Shailendra Singh,
President, AAPI Arkansas